So this is where I am - and where I'm going. I can't believe I leave this Sunday!
So far all of my final preparations, though unbelievably hectic, are on track. Unfortunately, today's snow storm (anticipated 30") is putting a damper on some things. Luckily I have enough to do at home - or perhaps that is unfortunate. I'd rather be outside playing!
Can't wait to hear about your adventures in Turkey! But you know, we're all gonna miss you over on this side of the world...
Take care!
The Other Side Of The Fence
Very exciting!
I had lunch today with a young Turkish couple that just moved here from UT Austin (she's covering a Poli Sci course for us), and she was very excited to hear that you were heading off.
I can't even imagine 30 inches of snow all at once. Hope you have plenty of hot chocolate!
Wish I could have a snow day and go out and play. (Another beauuuutiful day here in southern california)
Have fun! I'll check in on you every now and then.
Hey that rat is pretty cute, I am beginning to figure out what you see in them lol. Take care, safe travels!
Rumor has it that she's safely arrived in Turkey, but that they don't have internet access at their house yet. Once that's sorted out I'm sure we'll see more posting :-).
Looking forward to more pics.
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